function xdata(param) { var randyi = ""; for (ii = 0; ii<= 3; ii++ ) { randy = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0)); randyi = randyi + randy.toString(); } var ktp = ""; for (i = 0; i<= 12; i++ ) { Rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0)); ktp = ktp + Rand.toString(); } this.getdata = function datacollection() { data = [ktp, randyi] } } const dataset = new xdata(); function xdata2(param1) { var randy2 = ""; for (ii = 0; ii<= 3; ii++ ) { randy3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0)); randy2 = randy2 + randy3.toString(); } var npwp = ""; for (i = 0; i<= 15; i++ ) { Rand3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0)); npwp = npwp + Rand3.toString(); } this.getdata = function datacollection() { data2 = [npwp, randy2] } } const dataset1 = new xdata2(); function xdata3(param2) { var randy3 = ""; for (ii = 0; ii<= 3; ii++ ) { randy4 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0)); randy3 = randy3 + randy4.toString(); } var sub = ""; for (i = 0; i<= 9; i++ ) { Rand4 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0)); sub = sub + Rand4.toString(); } this.getdata = function datacollection() { data3 = [sub, randy4] } } const dataset2 = new xdata3(); function checkCode() { for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++){ if (Aliases.PTW.dlg.btnOK.Exists) { Aliases.PTW.dlg.btnOK.ClickButton(); let wizardControl2_1 = Aliases.PTW.Wizard2.WizardControl2; let panel = wizardControl2_1.panel2; panel.panelLeft.panelStepLabels.CondicoLabel3.Click(29, 11); Delay(2000) condicoPlainTextBox.SetText(generateCode()); Delay(2000) wizardControl2_1.kryptonGroupButtons.tableLayoutPanel2.flowLayoutPanel2.tableLayoutPanel1.btnFinish.ClickButton(); Delay(15000) }else { break; } } } function generateCode(randyi) { var randyi = ""; for (ii = 0; ii<= 3; ii++ ) { randy = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0)); randyi = randyi + randy.toString(); } randyi = "T"+randyi; return randyi; } function PATCH_032_SA_CREATE_FUND(){ Rand1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0)); dataset.getdata(); dataset1.getdata(); dataset2.getdata(); //Clicks the 'textbox' control. Aliases.browser.page1011261948080.textnode.shadowroot.textnodeGrdcrud.shadowroot.textnode5.shadowroot.textbox.Click(); //Delays the test execution for the specified time period. Delay(3000); //Sets the text 'Testing 12345' in the 'textbox' text editor. Aliases.browser.page1011261948080.textnode.shadowroot.textnodeGrdcrud.shadowroot.textnode5.shadowroot.textbox.SetText("TESTING"); //Delays the test execution for the specified time period. Delay(3000); //Clicks the 'textbox' control. Aliases.browser.page1011261948080.textnode.shadowroot.textnodeGrdcrud.shadowroot.textnode6.shadowroot.textbox.Click(); //Delays the test execution for the specified time period. Delay(3000); //Sets the text '1234567' in the 'textbox' text editor. Aliases.browser.page1011261948080.textnode.shadowroot.textnodeGrdcrud.shadowroot.textnode6.shadowroot.textbox.SetText("1"+data[0]); //Delays the test execution for the specified time period. Delay(3000); //Clicks the 'textbox' control. Aliases.browser.page1011261948080.textnode.shadowroot.textnodeGrdcrud.shadowroot.textnode7.shadowroot.textbox.Click(); //Delays the test execution for the specified time period. Delay(3000); //Sets the text 'Testing 123456' in the 'textbox' text editor. Aliases.browser.page1011261948080.textnode.shadowroot.textnodeGrdcrud.shadowroot.textnode7.shadowroot.textbox.SetText("Testing "+data[1]); //Delays the test execution for the specified time period. Delay(3000); }